Strawberry red core (Phytophthora fragariae) in plants (Non-Symptomatic)

Test Code
Standard Price per sample £296.00
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Strawberry red core (<em>Phytophthora fragariae</em>) in plants (Non-Symptomatic)
  • Method Used
    TaqMan® PCR
  • Standard Turnaround Time
    20 working days

Multiple samples are eligible for discount but cannot be purchased online. Please contact for more information on ordering manually for the best multi-sample price.

Plants infected become stunted with less growth and smaller fruit. The causal pathogen is able to stay within contaminated soil for long periods of time.

This fungus-like pathogen infects strawberries, causing the roots to rot from root tip upwards, leading to a characteristic reddening of the inner portion of the root. The pathogen can be introduced with infected planting stock or contaminated equipment.

When sending plant pathogens and invertebrate samples from outside England and Wales for testing please email the Plant Clinic ( who will issue you with the relevant Letter of Authority to ensure your samples are not delayed upon entry to the UK.

Please contact us to discuss volume discounts.

Additional samples are available for £136 per sample.

More Information

Phytophthora diseases can be very damaging to many plants and a particular problem in ornamental horticulture. There are in excess of 100 different species of Phytophthora, and whilst the host range will vary between species, most are capable of attacking a wide range of plants.


Download the Phytophthora Factsheet
Detail Specification

Test Code


Standard Turnaround Time

20 working days

Parameters tested


Method Used

TaqMan® PCR

Supported Sample Types

2.5cm of fragaria root tips from 300 plants

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Strawberry red core (Phytophthora fragariae) in plants (Non-Symptomatic)

Subtotal £296.00

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