Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea)

Test Code
Standard Price per sample £288.00
up to 1

Powdery scab (<em>Spongospora subterranea</em>)
  • Method Used
    Soil bait test and TaqMan® PCR assay.
  • Standard Turnaround Time
    25 working days

Multiple samples are eligible for discount but cannot be purchased online. Please contact plantclinic@fera.co.uk for more information on ordering manually for the best multi-sample price.

Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) is a fungal blemish disease of potatoes. A cosmetic defect with small lesions occurring in the early stages of the disease, progressing to raised pustules containing a powdery mass.

There are no above ground symptoms but powdery scab can result in tubers being rejected or downgraded. Cultivar resistance and long rotations are the most effective ways to combat infected land. Clean land should be planted with clean seed and this test will enable you to understand if the land you are intending to use is infected.

Powdery scab is a soil-borne disease favoured by cool, moist conditions and heavy soil. A soil bait test can identify presence of Spongospora subterranea in your soil sample.

Please contact us to discuss volume discounts.

Detail Specification

Test Code


Standard Turnaround Time

25 working days

Parameters tested


Method Used

Soil bait test and TaqMan® PCR assay.

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Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) is a fungal blemish disease of potatoes. A cosmetic defect with small lesions occurring in the early stages of the disease, progressing to raised pustules containing a powdery mass.

Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea)

Subtotal £288.00

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