Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii - maize seeds (400 seeds)

Test Code
Standard Price per sample £237.00
up to 1

<em>Pantoea stewartii</em> subsp. <em>stewartii</em> - maize seeds (400 seeds)
  • Method Used
    Validated EPPO method
  • Accreditation
  • Standard Turnaround Time
    15 working days

Pantoea stewartii, more commonly known as Stewart's Bacterial Wilt, is primarily transmitted by insect vectors that overwinter the pathogen and then spread it during the growing season. It may also be transmitted in seed, and occasionally overwinters in soil, manure or maize stalks.

This bacterial disease can cause wilting and leaf blight in corn.

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Detail Specification

Standard Turnaround Time

15 working days

Method Used

Validated EPPO method




Plant Health

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Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii - maize seeds (400 seeds)

Subtotal £237.00

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