Globally recognised provider of proficiency tests, running over 400 tests annually across an extensive range of matrices and analytes
A single sample taken by an ecologist at any time during the newt breeding season can determine their presence or absence, saving you time and money
Safeguarding essential pollinators
Bees and other pollinating insects perform essential services in any ecosystem. As well as providing a host of products such as honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and venom, bees are critical pollinators. They pollinate around 70 of the 100 or so crop species that feed 90% of the world population, and honey bees are responsible for pollinating crops worth $30 billion a year. However, they are under serious threat. Various factors, including climate change, agricultural practices and parasites, such as the varroa mite, mean that bee populations across the world are in rapid decline. It’s now more important than ever to preserve these valuable insects. All participants in the food production supply chain need to work together to safeguard the health of bees and other pollinating insects.
How can Fera help?
Fera leads the way in pollinator safety research, testing and analysis. We offer a host of services to support the objectives of bee keepers, farmers, chemical producers, retailers and consumers.
Our role is to bring all participants in the food production supply chain together, sharing information and research, providing valuable testing services and creating opportunities for collaboration.
As part of our role we provide support and advice to government running a wide variety of studies which investigate the effects of agro chemical (plant protection products) and new veterinary medicines (for beekeepers), nutrition and disease.
There are over 250 species of bee in the UK, made up of 225 species of solitary bees, 25 bumble bees, and just one honey bee. Different species have different life cycles and are active at varying times throughout the year.
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