Brassica virus screening (3 virus screen)

Test Code
Standard Price per sample £250.00
up to 1

Brassica virus screening (3 virus screen)
  • Method Used
  • Standard Turnaround Time
    10 working days

Multiple samples are eligible for discount but cannot be purchased online. Please contact for more information on ordering manually for the best multi-sample price.

As part of this screen there are 3 tests undertaken, these are: Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), and Turnip yellows virus (TuYV) (previously called Beet western yellows virus).

These viruses can cause significant damage to Brassicaceae crops, for example reducing Oilseed Rape yield by up to 30% (TuYV).

These viruses can all display similar symptoms including: chlorotic local lesions, mosaic, mottling or puckering, all of which can affect the quality or quantity of yield.

These global crop diseases can affect harvested crops, through internal necrosis which can result in further loss of produce, as well as growing crops. Fera can identify potential disease in both.

Fera plant experts utilise the latest methods to identify these viruses within plant samples. This is vital to inform the prevention measures that should be undertaken to safeguard crop yield against further reduction.

The ability to screen for multiple diseases at once can offer significant cost reductions over individual screens, while still maintaining the accuracy required to make a positive assessment.

Please contact us to discuss volume discounts.

Detail Specification

Test Code


Standard Turnaround Time

10 working days

Parameters tested


Method Used


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Brassica virus screening (3 virus screen)

Subtotal £250.00

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