Globally recognised provider of proficiency tests, running over 400 tests annually across an extensive range of matrices and analytes
A single sample taken by an ecologist at any time during the newt breeding season can determine their presence or absence, saving you time and money
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) can cause stunting and discolouration. Early infections can lead to the death of patches of the crop. These symptoms lead to direct yield loss which can be mitigated through early diagnosis and subsequent control of aphids moving in the crop.
BYDV is the most widely distributed viral disease of cereals, affecting many economically important crops. This virus is transmitted by various species of cereal aphid. There are several different species of BYDV. The risk of significant infection has increased with the combination of widespread early sowing of winter cereals and the recent mild winters. This results in the presence of aphids in the crop and subsequently for populations to develop and spread.
Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) also causes discolouration and stunting, leading to yield loss. The virus is transmitted by the soil borne Polymyxa graminis and can cause significant yield loss across a range of cereal crops including wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale. This virus can reduce yield by up to 50%
The early symptoms of both of these viruses can resemble environmental/nutrient stress. Understanding the difference early through the use of these diagnostic tests will ensure the most appropriate decisions can be made. These two tests are offered together or individually depending on the customer’s requirements.
The risk of BYDV spread in the crop is directly related to the arrival and subsequent spread of cereal aphids. We provide an insect monitoring service which allows you to understand this risk and deal with it appropriately.
Detail | Specification |
Test Code | VR00001 |
Standard Turnaround Time | 10 working days |
Parameters tested | Virus |
Method Used | ELISA |
Accreditation | No |
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